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n terms of concept and facts; Leadership in schools is one of the most important factors in school, as most of the success or failure of a vision; mission and goals of a school will be determined by the school leadership. This emphasized further by Sergiovanni (1987) who revealed “That is no student cannot be taught. That is teachers who are not able to teach. There are no teachers who are not able to teach, that there is a leadership school make a successful teacher teaches”.
There are two main factors that support the concept:
1. Leader/administrator is the key part in the school. The regulations of the educational structure and curriculum and create inspired students to all schools. The school with excellent feature, smart and clever that will result in the potential itself, without support, guidance and role of school administrators, it will not mean anything. In conclusion it can be said of ambition, the function and purpose of education in school indirectly delivered to the school leadership.
2. School leaders are managers who make a business run smoothly. The role of schools administrator is not only covering all the various traces potential school, example of a leader who can exploit all the potential available within the school to achieve the vision, mission and learning goals.
To achieve the vision, mission and goals of the school should be led by school administrator and quality in carrying out its role. While the appointment of school administrator and systematic planning is done, but it is appointed from experienced teachers or may have long worked in various areas of leadership in school, but that does not promise or make it a leader in performing professional duties. The members of intellectual consensus that is a good school leader will be able to conduct and perform his duties as an educator, manager, administrator and demonstrator. In other words, the outstanding leader must be able to adapt themselves to the will of society and the recent trend. School leaders should serve as a leader (chief), a source of inspiration and motivation expert in the school. In that case, the new paradigm of management of the school, a school administrator is able to conduct his duties as an educator, manager, administrators, leader and motivator.
School administrators expressed as a leader can be divided into three types of leadership, which is democratic, autocratic (veto) and independent. The three types of leadership inherent in performing the duties of an administrator in his leadership, these three types of leadership will emerge in all different situations. Therefore, school administrators might be kind of democratic leadership, autocratic or may be independent. Although a school administrator would like to always be democratic, but often a different situation and demanded to be different, such as should be autocratic. In the particulars case of autocratic, leadership more quickly and accurately used in making a decision.
However, in another perspective requires that school administrator should also serve as a model for the development society. To make it happen, the leadership of school administrator needs to be adapted and developed at the school on the transformation of leadership. Transformational leadership is a leadership that emphasizes the administration of grant opportunities, and encourages all school staff to work on a system of good and true value. So, all the schools will be ready, without coercion, hard work to achieve the vision, mission and goals of the school.
A school administrator who has a mental transformation leader has the following criteria:
1. Has the vision, mission clear goals and have the courage to share ideas and experiences.
2. Provide a school environment and the climate is comfortable and conducive to learning.
3. Being a positive example for all the school.
4. Recognize the abilities, potential and values of the individual school.
5. It can grow self-confident attitude of all school staff.
6. To uphold and defend the teacher and get rid of fear or anxiety all of the school.
7. Provide a stimulant to the school maintain good personal expression.
8. Develop initiative and personal responsibility and group.
According to Bass and Avolio (1994) that transformational leadership at the school has four categories:
1. Charisma, it is portrayed as the character of school administrator to make all the schools admire, respect and believes it.
2. Motivated and inspired, reflected in the leadership of school administrator to produce an attractive vision of the future, give encouragement, spoken in optimistic with effective and meaningful supportive of what needed to done by all the school.
3. Intellectual stimulation, school administrator described as a leader capable of creating conducive climate for innovation and creativity. Even able to produce new idea, provide creative solutions to the problems faced and provide motivation and find a new approach in implementing the task faced by all schools.
4. Attention to another individual who is someone that can listen with attention problems, dissatisfaction, self-development, and expansion of learning and career of all staff.
To facilitate the transformation of implement leadership in schools, there are several other proposal, including:
1. Provide confidence of all the school to do something good for the school.
2. Strive to be a leader who emulated by all schools and decorated by a good value.
3. Listen to all ideas and proposals to develop the spirit of the school community work together.
4. Creating a vision that can be trusted by all the school.
5. Acting as agents to change the school by giving an examples of how undertake and implement a positive change.
If you truly are a transformational leadership to be used in school, it should be the desire, willingness and commitment from school administrators, school staff (teacher, student and other staff), and interested NGO such as the Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG), and other, until the vision, mission and school purposes listed in both short and long term school program will be achieved.
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